Who is the Executor of a Will?

The executor of a will is responsible for carrying out instructions from a deceased person's last will. Learn more about what an executor does.

Who is the Executor of a Will?

The executor of a will is the person you appoint to carry out your wishes after your death. When you die with a legally valid will, a judge will approve the executor you named in it to act accordingly. An important part of making a will is naming someone to act as your executor, also called a personal representative in some states. What is an executor? The executor is the person who will be in charge of your estate after your death. The executor will pool your assets and keep them safe, pay debts and taxes, and distribute your assets according to the terms of your will.

An executor of an estate is a person appointed to administer the last will of a deceased person. The principal duty of the executor is to carry out the instructions to manage the affairs and wishes of the deceased. The executor is appointed by the testator of the will (the person making the will) or by a court, in cases where there has been no prior appointment. Who should be appointed executor? Being the executor of a will is an important responsibility, although the executor's lawyer can be of great help in much of the task. The executor is required by law to settle the decedent's affairs and to comply with the terms of the decedent's will.

The executor is personally responsible for the payment of all invoices and taxes of the deceased to the extent of the assets of the estate. Therefore, if the assets of the estate are distributed to anyone other than (the creditors of the decedent) and (the beneficiaries) of the decedent, the executor can be held personally liable. Being an executor involves a significant amount of work and the person chosen must be trustworthy, responsible, organized and diligent. An executor can transfer money from a decedent's bank account to an estate account in the name of the executor, but he cannot withdraw cash from the account or transfer it to his own bank account. If a question arises about the qualifications of an executor, the court will hold a hearing to decide if the executor should be replaced and who is best suited to act as executor.

The bond secures the amount of the value of the estate, thus protecting the beneficiaries from any possibility of the executor attempting to steal the estate's assets. Often, the executor will distribute certain assets, such as furniture and jewelry, long before estate management has been completed. The executor is also responsible for paying income tax and filing income tax returns for any income earned from the estate during the course of administration. If you are the beneficiary of a will and you suspect that the executor is violating your fiduciary duty, you should discuss the situation with an estate litigation lawyer as soon as possible. Since in major estates, complex tax choices often have to be made on an estate's tax returns, it is very important that the executor enlists competent professional help. The executor must estimate the value of the estate using the value of the date of death or the alternative valuation date, as provided in the Internal Revenue Code (IRC).

The executors can use the estate money in the manner they determine best for inheritance and to fulfill wishes of deceased. To complete this task effectively, they need formal authority to spend money from estate and manage matters in another way. If inheritance is insolvent, they will decide how to readjust things so that all debts can be paid. The executor plays a very important role after death of testator (person referred by will), including tasks such as tracking assets, paying creditors and ensuring that beneficiaries named in will receive assets they are entitled to. They are responsible for paying all outstanding income taxes and arranging for preparation of final income and gift tax return. Being an executor involves significant amount work and requires trustworthiness, responsibility, organization and diligence.

It is very important that they enlist competent professional help when complex tax choices have to be made on an estate's tax returns. The executor must estimate value of estate using value date death or alternative valuation date provided Internal Revenue Code (IRC). They can use estate money manner they determine best for inheritance fulfill wishes deceased. To complete task effectively need formal authority spend money from estate manage matters another way. If inheritance insolvent decide how readjust things so that all debts can paid.

Kathy Broadbent
Kathy Broadbent

Award-winning pop culture guru. Avid bacon maven. Unapologetic internet evangelist. Total internet geek. Devoted food buff.

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